Simon's Story
A little bit about our Lil' Paintbrush
Simon has Trisomy 11Q Monosomy 20P due to an unbalanced translocation. What this means is he has an extra copy of his 11 chromosome and it attached to a deleted portion of his 20 chromosome. He's the only one just like him. Simon was born with birth defects and had surgery within 24hrs of being born. He has had many surgeries and tests and while some things have been resolved, others haven't. Simon's future will always include hospitals, therapies and expensive medical equipment. Though Simon has multiple disabilities and medical challenges, you would never know it by how happy he is and what joy he brings to our lives and others he meets.
Painting is good sensory therapy for Simon and we decided to show off the art he makes just using his hands and offering it for auction to the public to help off set some of his medical costs and needs.
Besides painting, Simon loves music, sunshine, being outdoors, and especially Super Cars.
This page will feature the art work created by Simon's hands assisted by mom to help with his medical costs. Watch for more paintings to come. This is a great therapy for Simon and a way to share his abilities.